Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lover, I...

Outstretched arms, fingers yearning.
Lover, I see you.
Yet in your eyes, there is nothing.
The mask has faded through.
The words you speak ring untrue.

Sweet kisses, steadfast embrace.
Lover, I know you.
Thought there's a stranger in your face.
Someone different, it's someone new.
So I've begun to question things you do.

Laughter echos, smiles remain.
Lover, I want you.
But you're drowing me in pain.
I've lost the boy I once knew.
Now fear screams he's losing me too.

Soul dancing, heart beating.
Lover, I need you.
Still our time is fleeting.
Our days, our moments are few.
And no more nightmares will ensue.

Lover, I see you.
Lover, I know you.
Lover, I want you.
Lover, I need you.
But Lover, I no longer love you.

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